Burger with MEV’S Bacon Dressing & Dip

Burgers are undoubtedly one of America’s most iconic dishes. But how about we present you with a burger that is bursting with flavor? Thanks to the touch of our MEV’S Bacon Dressing & Dip, this burger will leave you wanting more.

Preparation time: 15 minutes

2 Servings


-1/2 pound lean ground beef
-MEV’S Bacon Dressing & Dip
-2 Hamburger buns
-2 leaves of curly lettuce
-4 slices of tomato
-10 pickle slices
-1/4 cup caramelized onion
-2 slices of cheddar cheese
-1/4 cup of crystallized orange, yellow or red pepper cut into julienne strips.


Mix the ground beef with a pinch of salt, pepper and 3 tablespoons of MEV’S Bacon Dressing & Dip (it will give a special flavor to your burgers), divide the mixture into 2 parts to form burgers that are a little wider than your bun. Place a frying pan over medium-high heat and instead of oil, add 2 tablespoons of MEV’S Bacon Dressing and place the hamburger meats on each side for 2 minutes until browned. Immediately proceed to layer your burgers:

Take the base of the bread and spread MEV’S Bacon Dressing & Dip to the edges, place half a leaf of whole lettuce, tomato, pickle, burger meat, caramelized onion, cheddar cheese, crystallized pepper. Sprinkle this last layer with MEV’S Bacon Dressing & Dip and place the top of the hamburger bun.

After you eat the first one, you’ll know that one wasn’t enough.


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